
Welcome to GitEase’s documentation!

A tool to simplify Git usage with sprinkles of AI magic.

Not every code change is momentous; for a quick fix, a sole contributor or a toy example, GitEase is a simplified way to run git tasks. Save, load and share is how people think, and for the heavy mental load of a commit message or the undo command? AI can do that for you.


GitEase provides a mental wrapper around basic git operations.

  • ge load - loads recent updates (git pull)

  • ge save - saves current changes (git add, commit and generate a commit message)

  • ge share - shares changes to remote by adding, committing, and pushing changes to git

  • ge message - generates commit message from diff using AI

  • get undo - undo the latest git action using AI


pip install gitease

If you want AI features:

  1. Get an openai api key and set it up.

  2. Set environment variable: export OPENAI_API_KEY=…


ge save

> Entering new StuffDocumentsChain chain...

> Entering new LLMChain chain...
Prompt after formatting:
Write a concise summary of the following:
> Finished chain.
Automated commit - 4 files:
 writing new instructions.

 To confirm, press Enter.
 Otherwise, write your own message:
 Press CTRL+C to cancel
$ ge undo

Welcome to GitEase
Last git action is: Update README and CLI files
A revert command is: git reset HEAD@{0}
Shell I run the command for you? [y/n]:
Running: git reset HEAD@{0}
Unstaged changes after reset:
M       gitease/